Our Geotechnical Design team at CGL has strong design and engineering expertise for temporary and permanent works including foundations, retaining walls, and earthworks.
Our Geotechnical Design Services
At CGL, our expert team of engineers conducts a comprehensive range of geotechnical design services, including:
- Detailed ground movement analysis and impact assessments
- Foundation and substructure designs
- Retaining wall design
- Groundwater flow and seepage analysis
- Slope stability analysis and design
- Earthworks design and control
- Observational approach and monitoring strategies
- Construction sequencing
- Basement temporary propping systems
- Basement Impact Assessment
Expert Analytical Resources
Soil structure analysis is a crucial element of geotechnical design. At CGL, our soil-structure interaction analysis of foundation options has enabled the removal of pile foundations from designs and substituted them with more conventional raft foundations with the associated benefits of decreased cost and program time. We have also designed numerous pile-raft foundations to eliminate the need for large-diameter and deep conventional piles through difficult ground conditions, including the reuse of existing piles where relevant.
Where piled walls have been proposed in competent soils, our detailed analysis and implementation of observational methods have allowed th replacement of such elements with open-cut slopes and king posts, even adjacent to sensitive railway infrastructure.
As part of our geotechnical design process, we also carry out ground movement analysis to assess the impact of retaining wall installation, basement excavation, retaining wall deflection, and foundation loading on site constraints such as neighbouring structures (often listed buildings), Network Rail, National Grid, London Underground, and Thames Water infrastructure. These often require rigorous checking and approval processes.
Depending on the complexity, our analysis, and geotechnical designs are undertaken using conventional (WALLAP, PDISP, GWALL) or advanced numerical (PLAXIS 3D) analysis software, or if required a combination of both.
Geotechnical Design Processes
We use a range of analytical software systems in our geotechnical design processes to predict soil-structure interaction with a high degree of accuracy enabling us to design appropriate solutions to the risks faced at a particular site.
By exploring non-conventional and innovative solutions with the support of advanced numerical analysis software, we have often added value engineering to projects for our clients.

Why Choose CGL For Geotechnical Design Services?
We are industry-leading experts with a proven track record in providing reliable and trusted geotechnical design services throughout the UK.
Our dedicated award-winning engineers offer a comprehensive range of geotechnical design services from detailed ground movement analysis and impact assessments, and foundation and substructure design to basic impact assessments. Using our advanced analytical software systems, we can design tailored solutions to suit every project.
We are committed to innovative and non-conventional solutions supported by our advanced analysis software.
At CGL, our expert team of geotechnical engineers aims to reduce costs, risks, uncertainties, and timescales making us your trusted partner.