Phase I and phase II ground investigation
CGL was commissioned to undertake a consolidated Phase I Desk Study and interpretative Phase II Investigation to assess potential contamination and geotechnical design issues at a site on Waterfront Quay, Salford.
The proposed redevelopment comprise eleven new buildings of between ten and forty storeys for residential, retail, commercial and hotel use. Certain buildings will be linked by gardens and podiums above ground level. Two basement car parks are also potentially proposed, each spanning below two buildings.
The Phase I Desk Study reviewed the environmental and geological setting of the site in the context of historical land uses and the development proposals. The potential risks, liabilities and development constraints were then outlined along with requirements for further investigation and assessment. CGL developed a detailed preliminary ground model.
A Phase II investigation was undertaken to verify the preliminary ground model and assess the potential geoenvironmental and geotechnical constraints identified by the Desk Study. The investigation comprised trial pitting and window sampling to assess the potential shallow contamination risks associated with the site’s former industrial usage. In addition, gas monitoring was undertaken to assess potential risks from ground gas within the Made Ground.
Combined cable percussive and rotary follow on drilling was undertaken to assess the depth to rockhead and strength of the rock across the site and investigate the Made Ground soils to aid pile design.